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The best wedding present is of course to see you all make it to our wedding. But we know many of you are going to ask us for ideas of things we need/want. As many of you know, we only have a small apartment in New York, and can´t really put any more things in it -except for the walls! So here are a few ideas - Of course, you don´t have to limit yourself to this by any means!

The Sky!

Literally :) We created this gift account at Continental Airlines. Whether it is for our honeymoon, or to come back and visit you guys often...you know this will ALWAYS be put to good use.

A bridge to our dream

We have started saving money to buy a house whenever possible -and whenever we decide which country to settle in :) Anybody up for buying us one? hehe just jocking! If you decide to give us a small envelope though, you know what the money will go to.

The Unknown

You know us, we LOVE to try knew things! We created a wedding registry at Cloud9Living , a place that is all about experience. You can just give whatever you want - what we put in the list is way to expensive, but we put them there as as examples of things we will probably end up trying if we get any money on this site!

And just a few things we need...

This is what we need -and can fit!- in our apartment. We are registered at Crate & Barrel.


Page Hits:9867 - Hello and Welcome! choice:5 - Language Chosen:EN - Troels and Audrey 2008